Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Friendster goes mobile!

I just got a spam email from Friendster's PR agency saying that they are now going mobile! It didn't seem to have any published link or anything so I went to their site for verification. There are no new press releases since March 2008, but I immediately jumped to the EMPLOYMENT section of the website to find a mobile developer position open.

So it is true!

About time! MySpace and Facebook are already mobile. Their interfaces are quite clean as well. Facebook has really great apps for the iPhone and Blackberry, but seems to not have expanded this to other devices, especially on my Windows Mobile device. MySpace seems to cater to a larger variety of handsets as their app is WAP based as opposed to something installable (for now).

Both work very well. I like Facebook's SMS commands to update your profile. I've used Facebook on iPhone and a Blackberry and found it very simple and intuitive to update my page with their interface. I haven't tried MySpace's yet, but have gone to their mobile site which is clean.


All simple WAP based sites that should allow their users to always have access to their communities.

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